就在一堆人對新MacBook沒FireWire端子一事抱怨連連之際,想必也是有人投書給Apple大頭目Steve Jobs。而根據ApleInsider 的說法…以下這封「Jobs的回應」因該就是Steve Jobs本人的回應…大家姑且來看看水果大頭目是怎個說法…
第一封回應是:「Actually,all of the new HD camcorders of the past few years use USB 2.」。嗯…果然理由就是這個。不過事實上現在用FireWire介面攝影機的人還是比較多,加上市場上還是有許多便宜好用的SD解析度的攝影機在用FireWire,接著的第二封回應主要就是在討論這問題…
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Steve Jobs
Date: Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 4:04 PM
Subject: Re: Firewire RIP?
To: Xxxxx
The new HD camcorders start around $500.
Sent from my iPhone
On Oct 16, 2008, at 12:41 PM, Xxxxx wrote:
Hi Steve,
Thanks for the fast response! In answer to your statement, though, I decided to look at the selection of camcorders on since I believe they represent a pretty average staple of what consumer electronics people are buying. Although you are correct that (almost) all of the new HD camcorders use USB 2.0, there are still many, many standard definition camcorders (read: affordable for average Joes) that require firewire. Does this mean to say that Apple no longer supports average Joes from making home movies on their computers? In other words, if I have a $300 firewire camcorder and a new MacBook, shouldn't I be able to edit videos of my kid's birthday just as easily as someone who has a MacBook Pro and a $1200 HD camcorder?
看起來,Jobs的意思大概就是「現在已經是HD HomeMovie的時代了!」吧?Orz。
❏ ApleInsider